As an essential service provider, E3 INNOVATE and E3 EcoWorks remains open and ready to serve through the COVID-19 event.
As we navigate these uncertain times together, the team at E3 wants to assure you we are carefully considering the health and safety of both our client family and employee family. In an effort to minimize our impact on your home, we have immediately implemented higher measures of care to increase our existing preparation and clean-up protocols.
E3 has implemented the following precautionary measures within our daily routine:
If an employee or family member is not feeling well, we have asked that they consult with their family physician and remain at home.
Technicians will wash their hands frequently with soap and water and use hand sanitizer.
We have asked technicians to refrain from shaking hands with our customers.
Suites, masks, and gloves will be worn inside the home. And, as always, we remove our shoes.
Technicians will keep a safe distance from anyone in the home.
Disinfectant wipes will be used in our vehicles, on door handles, and tools.
We are closely monitoring the local, federal, and CDC recommendations and will comply with any mandated orders. We will notify you if there are any changes to scheduling or business hours.
E3 INNOVATE would like to thank you for your business and the opportunity to continue to serve your needs.